1+1 campaign

1+1 campaign

Clients can benefit from the campaign only by connecting to the services through the www.citynet.az website.


Privacy policy


1. General Conditions


1.1 The current privacy policy applies to users who use the technical capabilities of the platform called citynet, owned by Uninet LLC, and is an integral part of the agreement concluded between the User and Uninet LLC.


1.2 This Privacy policy sets out the rules for the collection, storage, processing, use and protection of the User's personal data.


1.3 When registering a user on the platform, logging in or ordering services, as well as in other cases of using the platform, the user enters his personal data into the platform and consents to their use. Information can also be collected by answering questions asked to the user through the platform.


1.4 The User freely and voluntarily decides to post personal data and any other information about himself on the platform, and also expresses his consent to the processing of personal data and information by LLC “Uninet” or transfer them to third parties for processing.


1.5 The processing of personal data is a set of any actions or actions, such as collection, storage, use and dissemination, and constitutes the destruction of personal data, as well as using information (automated) systems.


1.6 The purposes of personal data processing are as follows:


1.6.1 Obtaining statistical and analytical data to improve the performance of the platform;


1.6.2 Increasing the types of services provided on the platform and expanding the scope of activity of LLC “Uninet;


1.6.3 Receiving information or advertising news from the platform or third parties (notification of new opportunities, promotions and other news);


1.6.4 Prevention and prevention of illegal or unauthorized actions of users or third parties;


1.6.5 Compliance with the requirements of the current legislation;


1.7 The platform collects the following information about the user:


1.7.1 When using the platform, Uninet LLC collects personal information entered by the user in the platform database. Such information can be the user's first and last name, phone number, place of order placement, as well as address. If a user logs in through their social media accounts, the platform may also collect information posted on the profile of such a social network.


1.7.2 The Platform may automatically collect technical information by software when accessing it.


1.8 The Platform, also Uninet LLC, does not collect or use information about the user's race or ethnicity, political views, membership in political parties, trade unions and criminal record, as well as information related to his health, personal life, biometric or genetic data.


1.9 Uninet LLC does not share any personal or other data provided by users to the platform, except in cases of permission granted by the user to receive such information, as well as after agreement with the user or in accordance with the procedure provided for by law, with third parties that do not belong to him.


1.10 LLC ”Uninet", in cases of need for the user, may share data with persons cooperating with the platform or belonging to LLC "Uninet".


1.11 Uninet LLC does not sell or lease information and personal data provided by the user during the use of the platform.


1.12 The User of the platform undertakes not to use the information provided by other users without the written permission of this user or any other such information. All information received from the user in connection with the use of the platform can be used when performing actions necessary to provide relevant services or products.


1.13 The user using the platform has the opportunity to partially change, delete or otherwise edit personal and other data that he provides during the use of the platform at any time.


1.14 The User is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of any information and data that he provides.


1.15 Uninet LLC provides reasonable security measures to protect the user from unauthorized access by third parties to his personal data.


1.16 All personal information collected and processed through the platform is stored on one or more secure servers. LLC "Uninet" signs an agreement with all its employees who have access to databases containing the user's personal data that user information should not be distributed to third parties.


2. Cookies and similar technologies


2.1 The Platform may use cookies and similar technologies to store information. These files are used to facilitate the use of the platform, improve the quality and security of its services, as well as for advertising purposes.


2.2 Any information received by the platform from the user, as well as the placement of “cookies” in the user's browser, is carried out through a warning and with the user's permission. By continuing to use the platform, the user gives the platform its own permission to store cookies in the user's browser.


2.3 The Platform uses “cookies” and similar technologies stored on the user's device during the activity of the user's browser, as well as other similar technologies that remain on the user's device for a longer period of time. The user has the ability to block and delete such technologies.


2.4 To prevent unauthorized access to cookies and similar technologies, Uninet LLC takes all security measures. The User also undertakes to take similar security measures. Uninet LLC guarantees that only authorized representatives and partners of Uninet LLC have access to their information collected through “cookies”.


2.5 Authorized representatives and partners of LLC "Uninet" are individuals and legal entities that organize the activities of the Platform for various purposes and means. LLC "Uninet" has the right to provide the user with the services provided on the platform, as well as to use the services of authorized partners that are necessary for the functioning of the platform. They may also collect other information, such as information about IP addresses or other identifiers.


2.6 The Platform may use any data that it collects and stores with the user's permission using the aforementioned technologies.


2.7 The user can manage the settings related to cookies in the browser or device settings. To refuse to collect and save information, you must activate the “do not save cookies" option in the browser settings, and also click the "clear cookies" button.


2.8 Technical information contained on the platform, such as IP addresses, is used by the platform for statistical and analytical purposes.


2.9 In order to ensure the high quality of services adapted to the individual needs and interests of the buyer, the platform stores the latest data for the user's login to the system.


3. Navigation and click


3.1 When you use the platform, the pages that you view are saved to receive information about navigation and clicks on buttons and contacts that you click on, the time during which you are on the page, the services that you choose and that interest you. This information does not reveal your identity and is not directly related to your name.


3.2 The information about the services and products that you receive through the platform is used to fulfill, analyze and develop requests posted by you, increase the use of the platform, provide information when necessary from a legal point of view, as well as for campaigns and referrals that will attract your attention to websites owned by the platform or third parties. This data may be transferred to the relevant third parties during the processing of the request at any stage of the request or used in the analysis and support of the use of the platform.


4. Dispute resolution methods


4.1 The resolution of any disputes that may arise as a result of the implementation of the privacy policy is resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the requirements of international treaties for which the Republic of Azerbaijan stands.


5. Changing the Privacy Policy


5.1 Uninet LLC may make changes to the privacy policy, delete or update its rules.


5.2 If the user does not agree with the changes made, he must immediately stop using the platform. If the user continues to use


In this case, it is considered that he has accepted the changes and the new version of the privacy policy as a whole.